Here are five things you can cut to improve your life and happiness.

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By Zach Sikes

Zach is the Broker/Owner of Homestead & Co. Zach developed a passion for real estate early on. He has specialized in every area of real estate and decided to pursue his dream of owning his own brokerage. He spends his time at Homestead & Co as the lead listing specialist and working on the development of the company. He enjoys the little free time he has with his wife and three daughters.

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People often talk about what things you can add to your life to improve it, but today, we’re taking a different approach. Here are five things you can cut from your life to be happier, healthier, and more productive: 

1. Complaining. No one likes hanging out with complainers. The truth is that complaining doesn’t solve anything, so cut it out from your life to add more positivity. 

2. Excuses. No more passing off blame. If you skipped a goal for something else, don’t say, “I had to go do this thing.” Instead, say, “I chose to go do this thing,” and put the onus back on yourself. 

3. Sleeping in. I know; sleeping in is great. However, you’ll be amazed how much more stuff you can get done if you get up before everyone else. Exercising, creative writing, and other goals can be achieved more easily the earlier you get up. 

“You can’t pass off blame. ”

4. Being busy instead of effective. Just because you have a lot going on doesn’t mean you’re living up to your full potential. Results are what matter, so if something is eating up a ton of your time for not much gain, it might be time to cut it out of your life. 

5. The person who drains your energy. We all have that one person in our life that does nothing but suck the energy out of us. I know this can be tough, but if someone is seriously hurting your life, you might need to cut them out. 

If you have questions about this topic or anything else, please call or email me. I am always willing to help!